Thursday 2 October 2008

Thank You For All Your Support

I am absolutely stunned by the amount of congratulatory emails, texts and messages I have received over the past few days since finishing the End to End. People are still continuing to donate to my Just Giving Page at and I have now reached £5,800 which is absolutely fantastic. I wonder if I could get to £6,000?!

Thank you so much to everyone for your continuous support and generous donations that I have received all along my journey. Every hill and howling gale was worth every push of those pedals now that I have discovered just how many people have followed my journey and donated to the Royal Marsden Hospital.

Hopefully this journey will encourage more children, parents, teachers and families to get back on their bikes too.... trust me - it's a great way to get fit, healthy and have fun! I have definately had my fill of all three over the last 10 days!

Thank you again for all your support,

Love Holly and Jackson x

Tuesday 30 September 2008

We did it, we crossed the finish line in John O'Groats!

We made it! We are so happy to be here and to have acheived our challenge!

1000 miles in 10 days and over £5800 raised for the Royal Marsden Cancer Campaign!!

So now it's your turn to try and beat us! Can you achieve more miles than us by cycling to school everyday for 10 days?! The race begins on Monday 13th October* so why don't you get out your bike and get practising!

Good luck everybody!

Love Holly and Jackson xxx

* For Newton Prep School, the race begins early! Next Monday 6th October!

9 miles to go!!

We have only 9 miles to go!! There is a rainbow over John O'Groats! Can you believe it!
Wish us luck!
Love Holly & Jackson xxx

The last leg!

A pic of the sun rising as we set off at 6.30 this morning.

It's Day 10..the final leg! We are aiming to get to for John O'Groats by sunset! We have 120 miles to cover, so far we have done 30! The end is in sight! Hurrah!

Love Holly and Jackson xxx

Monday 29 September 2008

Today has been the longest, hardest, wettest day so far. 8 hours of climbing mountains, torrential downpours, saturated shoes and freezing fingers! But we cycled around the whole of Loch Ness, through the highland town of Inverness and on towards Evanton - and the views were stunning all along the way. We are now resting our weary bones before the final run tomorrow. We have to make up a few miles lost along the way, which means we are going to be on the road at 6.30am with 117 miles ahead of us to John O'Groats. Tonight for dinner we are having the Scottish traditional supper of Haggis, -then tomorrow night, fingers crossed, we will be celebrating in John O'Groats! We hope you will be celebrating with us! Love Holly and Jackson. x

We're in Loch Ness!

Jackson & I are in Loch Ness, can you see you Nessie anywhere??

Jackson enjoying the view.
Love Holly & Jackson xxx

Sunday 28 September 2008

2 days to go!!

Hello everyone! We're in Invergerry tonight. Two days to go! Very excited now... We have cycled 800 miles and only have 200 left to go. We can't wait to reach John O'Groats. Not long now!
Love Holly and Jackson xxx

Saturday 27 September 2008

Today we took a detour off our route to John O'Groats and caught a ferry over to the Isle of Arran. The scenery is absolutely beautiful and Jackson and I cycled around the whole island, taking lots of photos along the way. We are now back on the ferry, heading back to the mainland where we can rejoin our route. It has added an extra day to our journey but we will be back on track tomorrow, heading towards Inverness. Tonight, we are camping in a campsite in Lochgilphead. Can you find where it is on the map?!
Love Holly and Jackson xxx

Friday 26 September 2008

Update from Ayre, Scotland

102 miles today to a campsite in the sand dunes of the seaside town of Ayre in Scotland.
Today was the first day the team and I had no mechanical problems. So far, we have had 5 punctures, 1 broken pedal, 1 broken wheel and 1 broken cleat! So not much luck with the bikes, but lots of luck with the weather. Sadly our first day of rain is forecast for tomorrow, hopefully our tents will stay dry tonight!
Hope you are all ready to begin your cycle rides to school! Good luck everyone!
Love Holly and Jackson xxx

We're in Scotland!

Yesterday we cycled 112 miles! We rode all the way through the Lake District, it's such a beautiful part of England...But very hilly! We made it all the way to Carlisle, where I went to sleep very early as it got very cold camping under the stars! This morning we left very early and had reached the border into Scotland after just 15 miles! The sun is still shining... hope you all are pedalling with us!

Jackson & I crossing the border into Scotland! Goodbye England!
Love Holly and Jackson xxx